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Selected reviews and features

As Labour takes power for the first time in 14 years, Benjamin Myers describes the legacy of neglected health and education in the city he grew up in...

Sham 91: Benjamin Myers on his Teenage Punk Band Sour Face for The Quietus

Neo-Nazi skinheads, frozen turds, Richard III and magic mushrooms – Benjamin Myers recalls his apprenticeship as a teenage hardcore punk...

Rita Bullwinkel's Headshot reviewed in The Guardian

Young women come together in Nevada for a tournament where ambition and self-expression clash with brutal reality...

"Violence, when it happens, is clumsy and banal. The possibility of a repeat kicking lurked around every corner and the hometown I loved was cast in sinister hues..."

It was set in the Sixties, made in the Eighties and claimed by the Nineties, but 30 years on Bruce Robinson’s Withnail & I is a film for our times...

Happy Like Murderers, Burn’s account of the Wests’ appalling crimes, fearlessly explored an unseen side of the country, even when it came to haunt him...

In ailing northern towns, amateur ice hockey brought violence and validation to a generation of young men...

Novelist Benjamin Myers reflects on the 1.316 second-long track 'You Suffer' by grindcore titans, Napalm Death, and what it says about the age of anxiety we all live in...

Read Benjamin Myers’ introduction to a new Little Toller edition of Glyn Hughes’ ‘Millstone Grit’ — an exploration of the moorlands alongside the industrial towns of the Pennines...

For rights requests,
please contact literary agent Jessica Woollard at David Higham Associates

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please contact Ben McLuskey at Bloomsbury Publishing

© 2024 by Benjamin Myers

Author. Journalist. Writer. 

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